
I’m $279,000 in debt.

Published January 1, 2020 Or rather, we’re $279,000 in debt. That’s right. My husband and I, nearing that ever-looming 30 year age mark are just over a quarter of a million dollars in debt. And for the most part, we don’t actually mind it. No, it’s not student loan debt. Unlike most of our millennial …

DIY Crochet Easter Bunny Applique

Quick Crochet Bunny Applique

  This post contains affiliate links. OK, so I know it’s a little early to be thinking about bunnies right? Nah! These lil’ guys are adorable all year-round! Even better, this pattern is nice and FAST. It’s definitely doable in about 10 minutes or less once you get the hang of it. – Tools –  5 mm …

Crafts Holidays

Holiday Potpourri

Published November 20th, 2016 Until last year I have always used an artificial tree in my living room during Christmas time. I loved that I could set it up anytime without having to worry about watering it, or if it would die before Christmas. I also loved how easy it was to assemble and to …


Photography as a Hobby

Recently I decided to pick up a new hobby. I’ve run down the list that – that I’ve been slowly adding to – of things that have peaked my interest. I’ve been looking at screen printing and calligraphy, but I finally settled on photography. I’ve always been super jealous of my sister, whose boyfriend had …

Weight Loss Journey

Lets Talk About Sugar

There were two first steps that were the most important when I started my health and fitness journey: Drink WATER Cut out the SUGAR I knew that if I could do these two things, that I would be well on my way to reaching my goals. The problem? SUGAR IS LITERALLY IN EVERYTHING. Now, this …


Home Cooked Chicken Noodle Soup

This project was definitely a trial and error process for me. You would think that chicken noodle soup would be pretty simple right? Well….maybe it is, but I sure messed it up! When I first tried this, I had no instruction. It was just chicken, broth, noodles, carrots, and onions right? Just throw it in …


DIY Speed Dried Basil Leaves

  When I started my fitness journey, I made an effort to start buying my produce from a local CSA. This supports my local economy, and cuts down on an ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF TRASH. Recently I purchased a whole bunch of basil leaves. I had used some of them in a homemade tomato sauce, but …